Thursday, October 15, 2009

Why are you here?...wait, why am I here?

So I recently picked up a used MC-307, a groovebox that Roland released about a decade ago. Why start a blog on such an antiquated piece of hardware, you may ask?

Web research has turned up very little to help me get going with the 307, which obviously has a lot of power but a less-than-ideal user interface. When I was getting started with EM, I got a lot of help from other, more experienced producers; without the forums and user groups I found, it would have been more difficult, even with the far less steep learning curves I encountered on my other gear.

But for anyone diving into the 307, it appears we're out of luck in that department: The Roland groovebox forums have next to no posts on the 307, the Yahoo Group was overtaken by spammers years ago, and there's precious little elsewhere. We're on our own.

However, I refuse to give up on the 307 too quickly, primarily because it's already impressed me in a few important ways. So here's what I'm planning to do with this blog:

I'm going to chronicle my efforts to make the 307 rock, and exactly how to use the interface to make this happen. I dislike the manual, to put it mildly, so I'll try to translate what I discover into comprehensible English.

Readers of this blog (which I'm beginning in October '09) are of course welcome to use what techniques I find, pass them along and post comments.

If anyone has suggestions on topics I might cover, hit me up. I'm hoping this will turn out to be a useful resource. I've posted a note about contacting me here.

A few parting thoughts:

-I'll be posting ideas and discoveries as I come upon them, so reading in chronological order will seem a bit haphazard; check the post titles for subject matter (I'll keep them simple and descriptive).

-Posts will limited primarily to immediately usable tips. With few exceptions, I won't waste your time with descriptions of what buttons and knobs do, general discussions on synthesis, or much else that you can find elsewhere. When I think of something off-topic that might help, I'll try to link to it.

-I'm not a MIDI god by any means, so beyond the basics I probably won't be much help with figuring out why the 307 won't talk to other digital gear. Until this blog gathers enough followers that I can start throwing questions out randomly, your best bet on effective interconnection will be forums dedicated to the other device.

-Comments are welcome and solicited. Trolls aren't.


  1. I for one am pretty stoked about this blog. I just picked up an mc307 in August and am still finding out new stuff all the time.

    I was wondering if you know if it is possible the have just the high hats play 3/4 triplets while the rest of the rhythm tracks and 1-7 tracks play 4/4. Or at least apply shuffle to just the hats and leave the rest alone?

  2. Thanks man, and welcome...we're all learners around here. Although I don't know the answer to your question, if I find out (or another reader responds) I'll post on the topic.

    As I mention above, if you or any other 307 users come up with a tip or trick that might help out the group, drop me a note and I'll credit you when I post on it. Hit me up at

    dubathonic (at) google mail

  3. Hi! I'm not sure, but look at the manual on page 68. There is some explanation on how to set the 16 pad leds to write triplets on TR-REC mode.
    And about the shuffle, I don't think it is possible to apply it only to the hats. But if you had it planned, you could first write the hats, apply the shuffle to them, and then write the rest of the rhythm.

  4. Hi! I researched the MC series, the analog 202, the digital 303, 505, 307, 909, 808, plus related series D2, JX305, EG101.. and i finally decided on MC307. Its just the right balance between all the others, and the 307's DJ focus appeals to me. Too bad there isnt a 307 forum in Roland Clan, but they unfortunately only talk of new products.. Will be checking your blog. Cheers.

  5. I know this page is a few years old but hopefully, someone could help me out. Can the MC-307's OS/driver be updated using only Cubase and a VST sequencer? I've downloaded the zipped update file but I have no other sequencer hardware right now.
